Joyful learning starts here!

Keep your kids active & engaged with Youngplum's Art, Craft & Creative classes.

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Kids will love to learn

Inspire a lifetime of learning and discovery with our customised, fun educational program for children ages 2 to 99+.

What we do

Express yourself & discover the creative spirit in you


Classes - Virtual & On Location

Simply book a free 1 day trial session with certified teachers.

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Art Parties & Events

With us you'll find hosting your own painting event to be easy.

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What To Expect

Express yourself & discover the creative spirit in you

Our Classes

Taught by the best artists & teachers.

Novice Program

8 Classes / Month
  • Drawing & Colouring
  • Duration : 6 Months
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Most Popular

Ingenious Program

8 Classes / Month
  • Creative & Imaginative
  • Duration : 3 Months
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Artsy Program

4 Classes / Month
  • Famous Artists
  • Duration : 3 Months
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Benefits Of Art

Structured step-by-step training methodology

Math Concepts

Problem Solving


Sense Of Innovation

Decision Making

Critical Thinking

Self Esteem

Autonomy To Express

Visual Learning

Visual-Spatial Skills

Language Development

Ability To Communicate

Party Packages

Inspire a lifetime of learning and discovery with our customised, fun educational program for children ages two to seven.

Contact Us

Parents love us

Your kid is more creative than you think

Frequently Asked Questions

Increase exposure to the study of art history (political and cultural conditions). Further identify the elements of art (line, shape, color, texture, pattern, space). Discuss design ideas and techniques and identify aspects that contribute to the effectiveness of a work of art. Formulate an understanding of and criteria for making judgements through involvement in viewing, discussing and analysing works of art. Develop experimental art-related skills. Use personal and cultural experiences as subject matter in art work. About the famous artist & their art work. Mind stimulating activities.

Use a variety of media & medium to create art.

Play, fun, quality, imagination, development, individuality, curiousity, hands-on trying.

Creativity, exploration, thinking, skills, persistence, ideas, love of learning, confidence.

Help, plan, correct, play, prepare, inspire, encourage, educate, explain, create, implement, respond, build, find, understand, guide, support, read, hug, celebrate, recognize & meet needs.

Time, energy, love, concern, experience, care, skills, resources, everything!

Still have questions? Call Us

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